By Stefania Aulicino

Sometimes I wonder what is affecting business builders more in this economy: Lack of confidence or lack of cash.

No one spends the cash they have if they are not confident; Not tax payers; not customers; not business.

If you had a job during the great depression- life looked good. If you had a cash reserve, you had choices of great value to buy.

In fact we all know lots of companies that were born in difficult economic times: IBM, Federal Express, CNN, Disney, GE, Berger King. What was the secret? Let me suggest 3:

  1. Customers are easier to read: they tell you their pain and are quick to respond to real solutions (or let you know you are not on track so you can take fast corrective action).
  2. Your Eco system is a source of safe cash. As industry insiders, this source of funding contributes a powerful market discipline which helps you make only SAFE investments for near term and future growth (they double check you).
  3. Business builders who take advantage of the fire sale price of talent, real estate and other business building inputs available in a weak economy are ideally positioned ahead of the pack when the economy turns.(and it will turn!)

What if you had confidence like the person who had a job or cash reserve during the great depression? As a business owner, the parallel today  I’m talking about is non bank debt on your terms and equity that wants YOU in control. 

Let’s take a quick look at what confidence and cash could mean for you (let me stimulate some thoughts as you consider what’s true for you):

What’s working now?

  • Existing customers are loyal Our products/service deliver great results
  • Our team is very capable
  • Market demand is there for our current and new product/services

What would you do with Confidence and Cash on your terms?

  • Let our team know we are safe to ride out the uncertainty in the economy
  • Give me the confidence to embrace profit-making opportunities despite potentially longer term cash flow return.
  • Stay focused on our visionary growth strategy versus making decisions for near term cash flow.

Fortunately, as a passionate entrepreneur, you have many choices for cash to grow, even in the current economy, once you embrace the secret there is currency in your passion – that’s the source of cash on your terms. That’s not just cash- it’s confidence.

Stefania Aulicino, president of CapitalLinkUSA ensures business owns get cash to keep control of a bigger, more profitable company, faster, safer than they ever thought possible- in any economy. Let us help you become a magnet for non equity and equity sources to fuel your growth. Please explore our tools, solutions and consulting options tailored for different growth stages and different budgets: