Just imagine what you could do with cash in the current environment. Thought the only cash available now is vulture money? Money that wants control? Think again!
Stop hunting and start farming for cash in the current environment.
Prehistoric man spent most of his waking day hunting for food. In his more evolved state he learned the value of farming. Besides controlling his own source of food, he freed up time which could be spent in other pursuits. Why not apply the same logic to sourcing your own growth capital. Economic self sufficiency is the result of farming vs hunting for cash.
Let me offer 3 ways to farm for funding sources
- Seek out those who share your passion
- Divide your financing needs into small pieces
- Personalize each funding
1st : seek out those who share your passion. You’ve been planting seeds for years; now is time to harvest. Notice you did not plant just one kind of seed. You know people who understand your industry; you know people who have no clue what you do, but they trust you; others respect your reputation and trust you even though they may not have ever met you personally because they “know” you through your trade association or your successful customer relationships.
2nd Divide our needs into small pieces In your circle right now are people who can offer you small amounts- $10,000’s; as well as individuals who could offer you $100,000’s. In aggregate- the people you know right now- personally, approaches millions of dollars of growth funding- cheap. With farming you get to go direct- you don’t need an intermediary- which means no commissions, no fees, no delay. And it’s a win win. These are individuals looking for places they can trust to put their money to work, and you are already uniquely positioned as trust-worthy with them. Farming means you have alternative people to harvest, when they are ready. In today’s environment there is more cash going outside the traditional systems looking for trustworthy places to invest.
3rd personalize each funding And what about control? When farming (vs hunting) you are harvesting only people who share your passion- these are people want YOU in control! Each funding source does not want the same thing. That means different interest rates or different equity amounts for different sources. Just because you are offered $100,000 from someone who really understands your business (an angel) and you decide their industry expertise and contacts warrant an exchange of 2% equity ownership does not mean the next industry expert you meet who offers $100,000 should get the same 2%. More likely another industry expert would be happy to accept less ownership, factoring in the credibility factor of the industry expert who preceded her so the next $100,000 is worth 1%- even if it is just months later. Alternatively, someone else with $100,000 to put to work could be happy to LOAN it to you, on a flexible basis- with no principle repayment until you are ready! With today’s low interest rate, you could even offer 2 or 3 times bank or CD rates and still have cheap money.
Now you have 3 ways to farm for funding sources
- Seek out those who share your passion
- Divide your financing needs into small pieces
- Personalize each funding
Don’t HUNT for funding sources; FARM your own funding sources. Go direct and avoid commissions, fees and delays. The result is economic self sufficiency in all economic environments- even the current one.
Stefania Aulicino, president of CapitalLinkUSA ensures business owns get cash to keep control of a bigger, more profitable company, faster, safer than they ever thought possible- in any economy. Let us help you become a magnet for non equity and equity sources to fuel your growth. Please explore our tools, solutions and consulting options tailored for different growth stages and different budgets: www.CashAndControl.com